Do you have unwanted hair?
Electrolysis is the only proven, permanent method of hair removal for both women and men, we proudly offer this tried and trusted treatment.
We have over 15 years of experience and we are happy to answer any questions (you can click/tap on the common questions below).
What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a safe, effective, progressively permanent method of removing unwanted hair. With 3 techniques: Blend, Diathermy and Galvanic there is something to suit everyone. Treatments will be 'tailor made' to suit the individual.
How does Electrolysis work?
A tiny probe (about the size of an eyelash) is inserted into the hair follicle where a short burst of energy is targeted at the root of the hair. After a course of treatments, the follicle which has been weaker and is no longer able to produce new hair and complete hair free results are obtained.
Is Electrolysis safe?
Since 1875 Electrolysis has been documented to be effective, permanent and safe. Modern technology has meant electrolysis has become gentler, more comfortable and even more effective.
What will happen during my first appointment
A friendly consultation will take place to determine if the treatment is suitable for you and which method is best. You can use the time to ask any questions you may have and potentially experience a 'taster' session, your tailored treatment plan will also be discussed.
What about hygiene?
Sterex single-use use disposable probes are used to elimate any risk of cross-infection, a brand new sterile probe is used. We also to all covid requirements and operate in a safe and clean environment.